How to be an Abbott
Written by Olivia Simms, Grade 8
Cover illustration by Rebecca Greenfield
Noah Thompson feels like no one really understands him. But when he meets Evan, he learns a thing or two about friendship, belonging, and family.
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Olivia Simms is a grade 8 student from Ottawa, Ontario. Born in Nagoya, Japan, Olivia has enjoyed both reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She draws inspiration from the works of talented authors such as Rainbow Rowell and John Green, and considers Lin Manuel-Miranda her personal hero. Olivia’s favourite subjects in school are English, science, and music. Although she defaults to writing YA contemporary fiction, Olivia reads a wide spectrum of genres, including non-fiction and scripts for stage plays, in hopes of broadening her skill set as a writer. In the future, Olivia hopes to continue refining her technique in writing so she can share her ideas and stories with kids and adults alike.
Rebecca Greenfield, otherwise known as Gorefield Illustration, is a 2017 graduate student from Ontario College of Art and Design University in Toronto. She enjoys creating fantastical worlds and love to pull reactions and emotions out of people through her stories and artworks. To view more of her work, visit her website